Avoid passenger crowds for a safe and comfortable public transport experience

INIT receives European patent for innovative passenger guidance system

Possible way of indicating free train sections: LED control system from SIUT with colour signals, image: SIUT GmbH

Karlsruhe, Germany April 24, 2020

After being patented in the US in 2019, INIT's system for passenger guidance has now also been granted a European patent. MOBILEguide provides information about the expected number of free seats on a rail car from the platform of highly frequented trains (underground, suburban train, metro). This allows passengers to position themselves before the train arrives in those waiting areas of cars where free seats are to be expected. This not only makes traveling safer and more comfortable, but also reduces the trains’ waiting times at stations due to shorter boarding and alighting times. As a result, transport companies can achieve savings in the millions by using the existing rail infrastructure in the best possible way. MOBILEguide not only can be used for trains, but also for buses. The information about the occupancy rate of individual trips or sections of trips can help eliminate overcrowding thereby contributing to a safer and more even passenger load.

Avoiding overcrowded public transport vehicles will not at least play a major role in the attempts to deal with the current COVID-19 pandemic as well as with its aftermath.

Overcrowded railway systems must be controlled efficiently

Rail passengers usually cluster in certain areas of the platforms and subsequently the trains. They often board the sections closest to the platform access or position themselves strategically with regard to the exit stop. For this reason, some sections of the train become overcrowded, while in other sections there is still plenty of space with available seats. This is a well-known and unpleasant phenomenon in all underground and suburban railway systems. It is unpleasant because it affects service quality, it creates situations that endanger safety, extends the time spent at stops, may hamper subsequent traffic and causes considerable delays during the course of an operating day.

Image: Heat map Prognosis of the expected car capacity at the stations


Patented INIT solution remedies overcrowding and slow operations

Innovative approaches can be taken to solve today’s social challenges. INIT is breaking new ground with its tried and tested passenger counting system MOBILE-APC. As soon as a train closes the doors for departure, the on-board computer detects the current car load with the help of sensors and transmits the data to the central background system.

Conventional systems merely transmit the data of this current car load to the subsequent station. There the data provides information via light signals indicating which train sections have the largest available space. But MOBILEguide goes one step further: in the background system, the current car load is correlated with the passengers’ typical boarding and alighting behavior at the following stop. Historical operational data and a self-learning algorithm are used for a reliable prognosis. In this unique process, now patented according to the EPC (European Patent Convention), the expected car load is determined after the passengers have alighted the vehicle. Factors such as the particular line and stop and even time and type of day are taken into account in the calculation.

In this way, passengers can now see in which sections of the carriages there is the most available space. This is an advantage that decisively pays off, especially at major junctions of the transport network.

But, MOBILEguide can also benefit bus services: information on occupancy rates of individual trips or sections of trips can be provided on passenger information displays at bus stops and, of course, via apps or on the Internet. Passengers can adjust their behavior or journey accordingly and, if necessary, switch to a later bus or another route.


Andrea Mohr-Braun

Head of Department Corporate Marketing
INIT worldwide
Phone: +49 721 6100 113
Fax: +49 721 6100 399