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3 benefits of MOBILE-ITCS

Monitor Real-time State of Charge

Vehicle fleets which include e-buses pose completely new challenges for dispatchers.  The vehicles’ charge level must be carefully monitored and decisions made - all in real-time. INIT’s MOBILE-ITCSnextGen (Intermodal Transport Control System) provides real-time state-of-charge, the remaining range, and a forecast for reaching the end of the block. The dispatcher has instant access to the battery status of vehicles through color indicators which display red, yellow or green depending. Alerts are provided for any possible problems. If the state-of-charge falls below a predefined threshold, or as soon as the system predicts that a vehicle will not reach the end of the block, a warning is shown in the status display. Planned charging processes are always taken into account. 

Real-time State of Charge (SoC) monitoring gives dispatchers full control to manage and execute dispatching measures right from their dispatch station. 

Deliver next level passenger information 

Passengers demand up-to-the-second details when there are disruptions in service. RESPONSEassist, the semi-automated system, empowers dispatchers to process incidents and inform passengers instantly across all channels with just a few clicks. 

Through a form-based process agencies can predefine recommended courses of action based on the company’s standard operating procedures. When an incident occurs, information can be pushed out to all channels with one click. Labor-intensive procedures are eliminated, and passengers get the info they need to make their journeys.  INIT’s MOBILE-ITCS nextGen delivers a multi-channel passenger information and incident management system that empowers dispatchers and passengers where and when they need it most. 

Automate incident handling

To ensure the consistent application of your Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) across your organization, MOBILE-ITCS nextGen uses a Complex Event Processing Engine (CEP Engine).  The CEP Engine empowers dispatchers to monitor outside sources of information like weather feeds as well as multiple internal sources of data. The CEP Engine suggests actions to the dispatcher like route deviations based on realtime traffic, or can trigger restorative measures based upon schedule  adherence.

Dispatchers can also create scenarios (Sporting event, accident, road congestion, etc.) and trigger them when they happen. 


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Intermodal Transport Control System nextGen


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