Saving energy costs: with an intelligent charge management system and a precise range forecast

Transport companies have long been confronted with the need to cut costs - a challenge which is increasing due to the recent sharp rise in energy costs. Experts predict a significant increase in the price of electricity by 2030. For transport companies that have already converted their fleets to electric mobility, the question is how they can reduce their electricity bills. The intelligent charge management system MOBILEcharge and the range prediction system MOBILErange help with this. Both systems are part of the integrated electromobility solution eMOBILE.

Avoid load peaks and charge efficiently with MOBILEcharge

The charge management system MOBILEcharge ensures that the buses are always charged:

  • on time,
  • in line with demand
  • in a cost-optimised way

Without a charge management system, charging begins at maximum capacity as soon as the vehicle is connected to a charging station and charging is completed in the shortest possible time. For this reason, the charging process starts with maximum charging capacity. Since the price of electricity used is based on the peak load, the goal for operators is to try to reduce this. MOBILEcharge calculates a charging plan for all upcoming charging operations by load shifting.

This means that the vehicles arrive at the depot and are connected to the charging cable, but the charging process, controlled by MOBILEcharge, starts at a later time and with a lower capacitiy.

Image: Uncontrolled vs. controlled charging – this explains how load peaks can be minimized by shifting the charge.

Cost-saving potential through load shifting and use of flexible electricity prices

With MOBILEcharge, a reduction of 50% in the peak load can be achieved.

Less known in practice, but worth considering, are variable electricity tariffs. With these, variable prices are fixed in advance throughout the day, for example on a 24-hour basis.

Further savings can be made if vehicles are charged during the cheapest times. These calculations also require the support of an intelligent charge management system, which can achieve further savings of 3-5%. Overall, the cost reduction potential with MOBILEcharge through load shifting and the use of variable electricity prices increases to 20%.

MOBILEcharge is already implemented by many transport companies worldwide.

More about the successes to be gained from the introduction of a charge management system.

MOBILErange: Advantages of a reliable range prediction

Precise knowledge of the ranges is enormously important in the operation of e-buses: the important question is whether the bus will reach the end of the block. A reliable range prediction has the advantage that fewer reserves have to be budgeted in the planning, and the e-bus fleet can be deployed more efficiently.