The Share

Overview of information on our share

init SE is a stock exchange listed European company based in Germany, ISIN DE0005759807. The share has been listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since 2001 (Prime Standard). Here you will find the most important facts about our share in brief.

Basic share information

Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Prime Standard, Regulated Market, CDAX; DAX Plus Family Index
Class of shares:
No-par bearer shares (at 1 EUR each)
DE 0005759807
575 980
Designated sponsor:
M.M.Warburg & Co
Capital stock today:
10,040,000 individual bearer share certificates (each valued at 1 EUR)
First notification/IPO:
24 July 2001
Paying Agent:
Quirin Privatbank AG

Share price performance

Shareholder structure as of 30 September 2024

Dr Gottfried Greschner (directly and indirectly held, parties related to him): 42.76%

Corporate bodies: 4.96%

Treasury shares init SE: 1.63%

Employee shares (lock up shares): 0.53%

Free float: 50.12%

Analyst ratings

Experts' opinions about our share

Rating Target Price Institute
14 August 2024
buy EUR 49.50 M.M.Warburg & CO
13 August 2024
buy EUR 55.00 Quirin Privatbank AG

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Share buyback

Authorization for the Repurchase of own shares persuant to article 71 (1.8) AktG (German Stock Corporation Act) and sale with the exclusion of subscription Persuant to the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of 26 June 2020, the Managing Board is authorized to repurchase own shares amounting to up to 10 % of the capital stock (which currently corresponds to up to 1,004,000 shares) by 25 June 2025.  

Completion of share buyback programme

Karlsruhe, 19 December 2023

init innovation in traffic systems SE (ISIN DE0005759807) acquired a total of 28,717 treasury shares for a total purchase price of EUR 869,969.30 (excluding ancillary costs) in the period from 9 November to 19 December 2023.

The share buyback was carried out in accordance with the ad hoc release dated 9 November 2023 and was executed via the stock exchange (XETRA) by a financial institution commissioned by init.

The number of acquired shares corresponds to an imputed share of around 0.29 % of the capital stock. Pursuant to the resolution of 9 November 2023, the share buyback is thus completed.

Interested in detailed information on the share buy-back program? Please click here.


Voting rights announcement

Under the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz), stockholders of a listed German company are obligated to notify that company and the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) if the percentage of voting rights they hold reaches, exceeds or falls below 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50% and 75% of the voting rights.

We kindly request that any stockholders obliged to inform init SE about changes in the percentage of voting rights they hold pursuant to Section 33 et seq. of the German Securities Trading Act address a relevant notification to:


according § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG

Investor Service

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